FYI due May 23
For more information visit
Creativity and Aging in America is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts designed to actively engage older Americans in quality arts programs. Through this initiative, the Arts Endowment will support exemplary projects in the disciplines of literature and music. Projects must be conducted by professional artists and engage older adults as students, artists, and/or teachers. For the purposes of these guidelines, older adults are age 65 and above.
Recent research supported by the National Institutes of Health, AARP, International Foundation for Music Research, and the National Endowment for the Arts found that older adults who actively participated in ongoing, community-based arts programs, conducted by professional artists, experienced more physical and mental benefits than participants in non-arts activities. The research showed that active participation in the arts correlated positively with older adults' health outcomes and their sense of independence, potentially reducing risk factors that drive the need for long-term care.
Creativity and Aging in America will focus on the disciplines of literature and music. Activities may take place in a variety of settings such as senior centers, community centers, retirement centers, museums, literary centers, performing arts centers, libraries, schools, and healthcare facilities. Projects must be planned in cooperation with the target population including local organizations that address aging-related issues.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Creativity and Aging in America NEA Initiative
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7:46 AM
Labels: external funding
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
NEH Supercomputing Grants
FYI due July 15
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The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the Office of Science in the United States Department of Energy (DOE) are working together to provide humanities scholars with access to DOE supercomputers. These grants provide computer time on DOE machines at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, as well as training and support to enable scholars to take full advantage of those resources. Interested scholars will apply directly to NERSC, and hours will be awarded under the terms of the DOE's Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program.
The INCITE program was conceived specifically to seek out computationally intensive, large-scale research projects with the potential to significantly advance key areas in science and engineering. With this partnership with NEH, the hope is that comparable research projects in the humanities will be able to take advantage of high performance computing resources. Successful applicants will be given access to computer and support resources at NERSC. In addition, winners will receive travel reimbursement funds to enable them (up to two people per project) to attend on-site training at NERSC.
Any scholar whose humanities research is computationally intensive may apply. Supported activities may include: mining of large textual datasets, morphological analysis, manipulations, and transformations; analysis of geographical information systems data, maps, etc.; and computationally demanding visualization, modeling, and pattern recognition and analysis. The goal of the program is to provide opportunities for humanities scholars whose research requires high performance computing to collaborate with computer scientists and others at centers already familiar with the challenges of intensive data mining, visualization, and other demanding applications.
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8:35 AM
Labels: external funding
The American Institute of Indian Studies Fellowships
FYI due July 1
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The American Institute of Indian Studies invites applications from scholars from all disciplines who wish to conduct their research in India. Junior fellowships are given to doctoral candidates to conduct research for their dissertations in India for up to eleven months. Senior long-term (six to nine months) and short-term (four months or less) fellowships are available for scholars who hold the Ph.D. degree. Some senior fellows in the humanities will receive fellowships funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Performing and Creative Arts fellowships are available for accomplished practitioners of the performing arts of India and
creative artists. Scholarly/professional development fellowships are available to scholars and professionals who have not previously worked in India. Eligible applicants include 1) U.S. citizens, and 2) citizens of other countries who are students or faculty members at U.S. colleges and universities. For applications, please contact us at American Institute of Indian Studies, 1130 E. 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, (773) 702-8638. Email: Web site: The application deadline is July 1, 2008.
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8:33 AM
Labels: external funding
Smith Richardson Foundation’s International Security and Foreign Policy Program
FYI due June 30
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The Smith Richardson Foundation’s International Security and Foreign Policy Program is pleased to announce its annual grant competition to support junior faculty research on American foreign policy, international relations, international security, military policy, and diplomatic and military history. The Foundation will award at least three research grants of $60,000 each to support tenure-track junior faculty engaged in the research and writing of a scholarly book on an issue or topic of interest to the policy community. These grants are intended to buy-out up to one year of teaching time and to underwrite research costs (including research assistance and travel). Each grant will be paid directly to, and should be administered by, the academic institution at which the junior faculty member works. Projects in military and diplomatic history are especially encouraged. Group or collaborative projects will not be considered.
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8:32 AM
Labels: external funding
The Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research has named its 2008-2009 Internal Faculty Fellows. They will be resident in the Glasscock Center in Spring 2009, pursuing scholarly projects under the theme “Journeys.” We conceive this theme to embrace considerations metaphorical and literal, contemporary and historical – of migration, travel, exile, transportation, exploration, tourism and more. We anticipate that conversation about journeys may include interrogation of any and all those terms by scholars from all the humanities disciplines and from the social sciences that adopt humanities perspectives. The recipients of these fellowships will be released from teaching during Spring 2009 and will receive a $1000 research stipend. In the Fall of 2009, they will present a symposium showcasing their work. The Center is pleased to announce the following Fellows and their projects.
Claire Katz, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies will explore, and respond to the flawed yet persistent model of education that governs the history of western philosophy and defines our contemporary views of education. The impact of this model is evident in the immediate influence it has on the educational process: the structure of the school, the content of curricula, and the pedagogical methods employed. It is also evident in how we think about and treat peoples and communities that are different from our own.
Robert R. Shandley, Associate Professor in the Department of European and Classical Languages and Culture, will concentrate on the recent representations of the expulsion of Germans from Eastern Europe in recent German television mini-series. Several recent series concentrate on the expulsion and the fate of millions of civilian ethnic Germans at the end of the Second World War, returning the issue to the German public imagination.
Leah DeVun, Assistant Professor in the Department of History, will focus on understandings of intersex from the twelfth through fifteenth centuries, a critical period for the formation of ideas about sex, as well as for the establishment of professionalized fields such as medicine, surgery, and law, which demanded a dichotomous boundary between male and female. Enter Sex examines this crucial period in detail, and it considers how premodern thinkers produced a system of sex difference that continues to influence contemporary understandings of what makes humans male or female.
April Lee Hatfield, Associate Professor in the Department of History, will study how the legal and geographic distinctions that made the North American mainland and Caribbean borders function differently shaped profoundly the experiences of those who moved between empires and, therefore, the relations between empires. On the mainland, where Indians as well as Europeans drew and challenged borders, colonial enmities echoed those of Europe. By contrast, in the Caribbean the Atlantic context of political and religious rivalry delimited colonists’ and merchants’ less rigidly.
Other activities around the theme “Journeys” will include a lecture series by that name, a symposium in spring 2010, and other events. The Center will name further Internal Faculty Fellows for 2009-2010: a call for applications will be made in spring 2009. For further information contact James Rosenheim, Director, at, at 979-845-8328, or visit the Center’s website at
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8:31 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research has made research awards to the following graduate students for 2008-2009 under its Graduate Stipendiary Fellowship program.
Courtney Beggs (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English), “‘Safely then She Ventures’: Identity and Ariadne’s Risk-Free Investment”
Blanca A. Camargo (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences), “A Framework for Cultural Sustainability in the Cultural Space of San Basilio de Palenque, Colombia”
Damian Carpenter (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English), “Woody Sez and Dylan Weaves: The Continuing Tradition of the Outlaw in American Folk Music”
Seenhwa Jeon (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English), “Empire and the Geography of Memory in Ex-centric Retellings of Modern History”
Larkin Kennedy (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Anthropology), “Bioarchaeological Investigation of the Presence and Integration of Foreigners in Classical Corinth”
Hyang-mi Lee (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English), “The Place of Memory: A Regionalized History in Amitav Ghosh’s Work”
Derek R. Mallet (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History), “Hitler’s Generals in America: U.S. National Security and the Evolution of Prisoner of War Policy”
Nicole McDaniel (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English), “Seriality in Contemporary American Memoir 1957-2007”
Gina Opdycke Terry (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English), “Artful Interactions: Visual Art and Literary Text in Romantic Period Works”
Carrie Elizabeth Atkins (M.A. Candidate, Department of Anthropology), “More Than a Hull: Social Space and Religious Ritual Onboard the Ancient Ship”
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9:14 AM
NEH and the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR, the National Research Council) Research Fellowships
FYI due May 15
For more information
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR, the National Research Council) of the Government of Italy are cooperating in the support of scholarly research. NEH invites applications for humanities research focusing on Italy's cultural heritage in relation to that of the United States. Recipients will be awarded fellowships. The CNR will award fellowships to Italian scholars for research on similar topics in the United States. NEH and CNR each anticipate awarding up to three fellowships.
Fellowships support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to scholars and general audiences in the humanities.
Recipients usually produce articles, monographs, books, digital materials, archaeological site reports, translations, editions, and other scholarly tools.
Fellowships support continuous full-time work for a period of six to twelve months.
Fellowships may not be used for:
curricular or pedagogical methods, theories, or surveys;
preparation or revision of textbooks;
projects that seek to promote a particular political, philosophical, religious, or ideological point of view;
projects that advocate a particular program of social action;
works in the creative and performing arts, i.e., painting, writing fiction or poetry, dance performance, etc.; or
doctoral dissertations or theses
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8:07 AM
NEH Fellowships at Digital Humanities Centers
FYI due Sept. 15
For more information
NEH Fellowships at Digital Humanities Centers (FDHC) support collaboration between digital centers and individual scholars. An award provides funding for both a stipend for the fellow while in residence at the center and a portion of the center's costs for hosting a fellow. Awards are for periods of six to twelve months. The intellectual cooperation between the visiting scholar and the center may take many different forms and may involve humanities scholars of any level of digital expertise. Fellows may work exclusively on their own projects in consultation with center staff, collaborate on projects with other scholars affiliated with the center, function as “apprentices” on existing digital center projects, or any combination of these. The results of the collaboration may range from “proof of concept” to finished product.
The aims of the program are to 1) support innovative collaboration on outstanding digital research projects; 2) expand digital literacy and expertise; 3) promote the work of digital humanities centers; and 4) encourage broad and open access to the humanities. FDHC grants are made to digital humanities centers and, therefore, a staff member of the digital humanities center must serve as the project director. Prospective fellows must apply through a digital center. Centers may submit one application per deadline; individual scholars may apply in collaboration with only one digital center per deadline. Awards support the scholar's fellowship in residence as well as a portion of the center’s direct and indirect costs of hosting such fellowships. The scholar in residence may not be employed by, or associated with, the institution that houses the center.
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8:02 AM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Wilson Center Scholars
FYI due April 14
For more information visit
These scholarships are available to American citizens or permanent residents. Scholars working on policy relevant projects related to Southeast Europe or to the wider region but dealing with issues that can be linked to issues in the Western Balkans are eligible to apply. All projects should aim to highlight their potential policy relevance. Disciplines represented at JSTS 2007 included: anthropology; history; political science; and, Slavic languages and literatures.
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8:48 AM
Labels: external funding
DAAD/AICGS Research Fellowship Program
FYI due August 31
For more information visit
The DAAD/AICGS Research Fellowship Program, funded by a generous grant from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), is designed to bring scholars and specialists working on Germany, Europe, and/or transatlantic relations to AICGS for research stays of two months each. Fellowships include a monthly stipend of up to $4,725, depending on the seniority of the applicant, transportation to and from Washington, and office space at the Institute.
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8:46 AM
Labels: external funding
Canada-U.S. Fulbright Visiting Research Chairs
FYI due May 1 (
Canada-U.S. Fulbright Visiting Research Chairs enable promising and prominent Canadian and American scholars, as well as experienced professionals to conduct research, develop collaborations, guest lecture and/or teach at select American and Canadian universities, respectively. In addition, successful candidates will have the opportunity to deliver public lectures, give seminar presentations, participate in conferences and otherwise contribute to ongoing research activities at the host institution.
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8:45 AM
Labels: external funding
Next Week's Events at the Glasscock Center
The following is a list of next week’s events supported by the Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research and/or its affiliated programs:
**Wednesday, 2 April**
Glasscock Coffee Come & Go: 8:30-9:30 a.m., Glasscock Building, Room 311. Featuring Larry Oliver, Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts.
Faculty Colloquium: Margaret Ezell (English), presenting “Elizabeth Isham and the Technologies of Memory,” 4:00 p.m., Glasscock Building, Room 311.
**Thursday, 3 April**
Glasscock Center Lecture Series “How Do We Keep Knowing?”: Dror Wahrman (Indiana University), presenting “How Do We Keep Knowing? An Eighteenth-Century End-run Around an Impossible Goal,” 7:00 p.m., Glasscock Building, Room 311.
**Friday, 4 April**
Co-Sponsored Event: Marwan Rashed (Ecole Normale Superieure), presenting “Socrates in the Phaedo and Aristophanes,” 3:00-5:00 p.m., Rudder 501. For more information contact Robin Smith at
**Saturday, 5 April**
Glasscock Symposium: “How Do We Keep Knowing?”: A Symposium on the Transmission and Preservation of Knowledge, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Hilton Hotel and Conference Center. More information available at
**If you are interested in meeting with any of our visiting speakers contact Dr. Donnalee Dox at
**For further information consult the Glasscock Center website at
**For current events at the Glasscock Center consult our blog at
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8:44 AM