Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Research Universities and Humanistic Scholarship supports a wide range of initiatives to strengthen theinstitutions that sustain scholarship in the humanities and "humanistic"social sciences, primarily research universities but also a small numberof centers for advanced study and independent research libraries. The Newberry Library Short-Term Fellowships long-term fellowships are available to post-doctoral scholars for periods of six to eleven months. Applicants for post-doctoral awards must hold the Ph.D. at the time of application. These grants support individual research and promote serious intellectual exchange through active participation in the Library's scholarly activities, including a biweekly fellows' seminar. Bogliasco Foundation: Liguria Study Center for Arts and Humanities provides residential fellowships for qualified persons working on advanced creative or scholarly projects in the arts and humanities. John Carter Brown Library Research Fellowships: Approximately 25 short- and long-term fellowships awarded to scholars to pursue research at the John Carter Brown Library located on the campusof Brown University. Short-term fellowships are for periods of two tofour months and long-term fellowships are for five to ten months.
Deadlines vary
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Upcoming Humanities Funding
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10:22 AM
IHR Mellon Fellowships in the Humanities
The Institute of Historical Research offers fellowships for both pre-dissertation and dissertation research in the humanities using original sources. The purposes of this fellowship programme are to help doctoral candidates in the humanities who may otherwise not have opportunities or encouragement to work with original source materials in the United Kingdom; help doctoral candidates in the humanities to deepen their ability to develop knowledge from original sources; provide insight from the viewpoint of doctoral candidates into how scholarly resources can be developed most helpfully in the future. Seven pre-dissertation fellowships are offered to candidates, who wish to spend time in the UK for preliminary examinations of primary sources and archival material. Five dissertation fellowships are offered to candidates, who wish to spend time in the UK carrying out archival research for their dissertations.
Due January 16, 2009
For more information.
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10:15 AM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Chateaubriand Scholarship Program for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Approximately 15 scholarships are awarded for doctoral research in France in association with a French research institution or archive. Scholarships provide 9 months of support. The scholarship includes a monthly stipend of 1,300 Euros plus health insurance and travel expenses. The following disciplines are eligible: Humanities, Social Sciences, School of Arts and Architecture, School of Theater, Film, & TV. This award is open only to U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Applicants must have sufficient proficiency in written and spoken French to carry out research. Currently enrolled in a PhD program.
Due December 15, 2008
For more information.
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9:51 AM
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Scholars-in-Residence Program
The Schomburg Center Scholars-in-Residence Program assists those scholars and professionals whose research in the black experience can benefit from extended access to the Center's resources. Fellowships funded by the Center will allow recipients to spend six months or a year in residence with access to resources at the Schomburg Center and other centers of The New York Public Library. The program encourages research and writing on black history and culture, and encompasses projects in African, Afro-American, and Afro-Caribbean history and culture. Maximum stipends of $30,000 for six months and $60,000 for twelve months. Open to scholars in the humanities studying black history and culture. Studies in the other fields are eligible if they utilize a humanistic approach.
Due December 12, 2008
For more information.
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10:59 AM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
2009 Summer Programs in the Humanities for Teachers
The National Endowment fot the Humanities announces its Summer Programs in the Humanities for Teachers in a variety of subjects. Summer Seminars and Institutes for College and University Teachers allow college and university faculty to gain a deeper knowledge of current scholarship in key fields of the humanities. Landmark of American History and Culture Workshops provide community college educators with the opportunity to engage in intensive study and discussion of important topics in American history. Landmarks of American History and Culture Workshops provide the opportunity for K-12 educators to engage in intensive study and discussion of important topics in American history. Summer Seminars and Institutes for School Teachers provide K-12 educators with a means to deepen scholarship in the humanities. All teachers selected to participate in a seminar or institute will be awarded a fixed stipend based on the length of the seminar or institute to help cover expenses.
Due March 2, 2009
For more information.
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9:46 AM
Monday, November 3, 2008
November 13 Strategies for Finding and Competing for Research Funding
The Office of Proposal Development is sponsoring a seminar for faculty preparing for academic and other research-related careers requiring the development and writing of proposals to federal research agencies, foundations, and other granting agencies on Thursday, November 13 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in 601 Rudder Tower. From 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. will be an overview of topics and generic strategies to enhance proposal competitiveness to federal agencies and foundations, including types of university research and educational proposals, identifying research opportunities, analyzing the research solicitation, understanding the funding agency research culture and mission, and understanding the review process. From 2:15 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. will be simultaneous breakout sessions focused on specific funding agencies and topics.
For more information.
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9:59 AM