American educators across the country are encouraged to apply now for 2009 summer study opportunities in the humanities. Each summer, the National Endowment for the Humanities supports rigorous national, residential seminars, institutes, and workshops located in the United States and abroad. Program participants receive stipends to help defray travel and living expenses. For the 2009 Summer Seminars and Institutes, interested teachers must apply for the respective seminars and institutes, 19 for college and university teachers and 31 for school teachers, by March 2, 2009. Seminars and Institutes are 2-6 week programs that take place in the United States and abroad. For the 2009 Landmarks of American History and Culture workshops, interested teachers must apply for the respective workshops, 6 for community college faculty and 20 for school teachers, by March 16, 2009. The Landmarks workshops are 1‑week workshops that take place at sites of historical or cultural significance across the nation.
For more information.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
NEH Encourages Educators to Apply for 2009 Summer Programs in the Humanities
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10:19 AM
Boren Fellowships
Boren Fellowships provide up to $30,000 to U.S. graduate students to add an important international and language component to their graduate education through specialization in area study, language study, or increased language proficiency. Boren Fellowships support study and research in areas of the world that are critical to U.S. interest, including Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin American, and the Middle East. The countries of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are excluded. Fellowships enable both master's and doctoral level students representing a broad range of academic and professional disciplines to add a significant language and international dimension to their curricula. Applicants should identify how their project, as well as their future academic and career goals, will contribute to U.S. national security, broadly defined.
Due January 29, 2009.
For more information.
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10:14 AM
Articles on Writing Proposals
Writing Proposals for ACLS Fellowship Competitions
by Christina M. Gillis
Gillis is a former program officer at ACLS, where she was responsible for the fellowship programs.
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The process of revising a grant proposal can help you turn piecemeal work into a coherent whole
Author James Mulholland is an assistant professor of English at Wheaton College in Massachusetts.
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10:10 AM
RGS-OPD Spring Semester-long Grant Writing Workshop
The RGS Office of Proposal Development is sponsoring a semester-long grant writing workshop for all tenure-track and tenured faculty (and equivalent) working in all disciplines, including a focus on NSF CAREER and other young investigator grants. During this intensive workshop, participants will be guided through the entire project development and proposal writing process. Participants will engage in an individual consultation on their executive summary, in biweekly peer review meetings with three to four other workshop participants, and in additional meetings on grant-related issues with all workshop participants. Those considering applying for the workshop should have a well-defined research topic, at least some preliminary data, and ample time to devote to workshop activities and to completion of their proposal. We particularly encourage faculty who will be applying for an NSF CAREER or other young investigator grant to participate in the Spring workshop. Faculty who are working on other types of grants are also welcome to participate.
Due January 16, 2009.
For more information.
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10:06 AM
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Office of Proposal Development Research Funding & Grant Writing Newsletter
The Office of Proposal Development Research Funding & Grant Writing Newsletter now contains a new section which includes OPD written articles addressing key topics related to research and educational grant writing to federal agencies and foundations, including:
1. Writing a CAREER proposal; 2. DARPA Funding Tutorial; 3. Equipment and Instrumentation Grants; 4. Contacting Program Officers; 5. Writing a White Paper; 6. Finding Research Funding
7. Funding Related Quick Tips
OPD-Web has added research funding RSS feeds by disciplinary category
Subscribe to OPD -Web Research Funding Opportunities RSS Feeds
For more information.
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6:10 AM