The Texas A&M University Libraries has brokered an agreement with ProQuest, one of the world's largest vendors of electronic databases to libraries and other educational institutions. The deal expands electronic holdings by adding 120 new databases, representing a nearly 75% increase in content. The new package of electronic resources, ProQuest Comprehensive, will provide the Texas A&M community with access to all the company's current e-content, as well as all future content during the next five years. The University Libraries initiated the agreement and is the first library to commit to the new subscription model. Driven by today's turbulent economy, the innovative package is designed to meet three goals: 1) to significantly expand electronic holdings from a reliable vendor and developer of popular databases across all disciplines; 2) to achieve savings by purchasing content en bloc rather than one product at a time; 3) to reduce "administrative churn" by bringing hundreds of products together under one license instead of negotiating individual licenses throughout a period of years. The University Libraries was able to achieve this arrangement by paying a first-year, large sum through special funding and will return to a price close to the annual subscription cost during the next five years. During the past several years, Proquest has emerged as one of the few information companies actively developing content that supports research in ethnic and gender studies, including ProQuest Historical Newspapers, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, GenderWatch, Latin American Newstand, Ethnic Newswatch, and Black Studies Center with Historical Black Newspapers.
To access ProQuest and other new databases
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
University Libraries Brokers New Agreement for Expanded Databases
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10:18 AM
Science in Society Conference
The Science in Society Conference addresses the social impacts, values, pedagogies, politics and economics of science. It is an inclusive forum that welcomes a breadth of perspectives on science from practitioners, teachers and researchers representing a wide range of academic disciplines. The Science in Society Conference is held annually in different locations around the world and this year's conference will be held at Carlos III University in Madrid, Spain on 11-13 November 2010. The Science in Society Conference includes parallel presentations by practitioners, teachers and researchers and invites responses to the conference Call-for-Papers. Presenters submit their written papers for publication in the peer refereed "International Journal of Science in Society". If unable to attend the conference in person, virtual registrations are also available.
Deadline March 11, 2010
For more information.
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10:09 AM
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Global Health and Innovation Conference at Yale
Unite for Site presents The Global Health & Innovation Conference at Yale University on Saturday, April 17 - Sunday, April 18, 2010. This conference features 200 speakers and social innovation sessions and convenes more than 2,200 students and professionals from 55 countries who are interested in global health and international development, public health, medicine, social entrepreneurship, nonprofits, philanthropy, microfinance, human rights, anthropology, health policy, advocacy, public service, environmental health, and education. The Global Health & Innovation Conference includes special sessions where selected participants present their new idea or program-in-development in the format of a 5-minute social enterprise pitch to provide participants with an opportunity to formulate and present their idea and receive feedback and ideas from other conference participants.
For more information.
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10:48 AM
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
17th Annual Humanities Series Workshop
The North Texas Community College Consortium invites you to join them for their 17th Annual Humanities Series Workshop, "The AT&T Performing Arts Center as a Classroom." The workshop will take place in the AT&T Performing Arts Center in Downtown Dallas on Friday, February 12. Continental breakfast will be available at 8:00 a.m.; the opening session will begin at 9:00; and will adjourn at 4:30. Registration Fee: $95
For more information.
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11:10 AM
Brown International Advanced Research Institutes (BIARI)
The Brown International Advanced Research Institutes (BIARI) was launched last year and seeks to develop an academic platform for young faculty from the global south, with Brown at its hub. BIARI 2009, with its four intensive two-week Institutes designed and led by Brown faculty, brought together 150 young scholars from 50 countries with over 70 leading academics who participated as invited guest faculty members. This year, the four BIARI will be: 1. Development and Inequality in the Global South (June 6 -19) 2. Towards a Critical Global Humanities (June 6 -19) 3.Climate Change and Its Impacts: Resilience and Adaptation to Changes in Precipitation (June 13-26) 4. Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management (June 13-26). The target group is junior faculty members, but applications from late-stage PhD candidates will be considered.
Due March 15, 2010
For more information.
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11:03 AM
Call for Papers for the 14th Joseph Vélez Latin American Studies Conference
Latin American Studies at Baylor University will be holding its Fourteenth Joseph Vélez conference on April 9-10, 2010, in Waco, Texas. Conference highlights include the address by keynote speaker, Dr. Manuel García-Castellón, who has published several books on Latin American thought, liberation theology, culture & civilization, Spanish art, and Filipino Literature. This conference will focus on the analysis of Latin America’s new reality and its projection towards the future, taking into account the financial crisis that has dominated the international context in the last year. Papers may examine the conference theme from a variety of perspectives, including literary, social, cultural, political, ideological, anthropological, and artistic. Proposals for single papers and complete sessions are welcome and may be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Papers should not exceed 20 minutes. Registration fee: US $40.
Due March 15, 2010
For more information please contact Dr. Lizbeth Souza-Fuertes, Director of Latin American Studies, at .
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10:57 AM
Workshop about Resource Description Framework
A workshop about resource description framework (RDF) will be held on Thursday, Feb 25th, at 9:30am in Glasscock 308. The purpose of this workshop is to promote a reading familiarity with RDF representations and a working knowledge of how RDF represents information. RDF a W3C standard for representing information. It is commonly represented in XML and can be seen in news feeds and embedded in web pages. RDF is the standard information exchange format for NINES and is emerging as the standard format for representing information relationships in digital humanities. RDF is at the heart of the developing Digital Resources Workbench (DRW).
Please RSVP by Tuesday, 23 Feb. Brunch will be provided.
For more information please contact
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10:50 AM
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Postdoctoral Fellowships-Narratives of Power
The Rutgers Center for Historical Analysis invites applications from all disciplines for post-doctoral resident fellowships to be held during the academic year of 2010-2011 from individuals working on topics related to Narratives of Power. Inspired by the election of Barack Obama, this two-year seminar invites a broad historical meditation on the significance of historically marginal and disfranchised groups moving from the periphery to the center of social, political and cultural institutions. Postdoctoral fellows receive yearly stipends of $35,000. All fellows have access to the activities and services of the Center. They also are provided with a modest research fund. They will join several Rutgers faculty fellows, Rutgers graduate fellows, and associate fellows in the Center’s ongoing meetings and events.
Due March 1, 2010
For more information.
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9:33 AM
Visiting Fellowships Spring 2011, Arizona State University
The Institute for Humanities Reasearch’s Visiting Fellows program is for scholars from other institutions of higher education in the US and abroad to come to Arizona State University for the spring semester. The program brings together groups of scholars to pursue research and writing, and to contribute to the general enrichment of humanities scholarship by giving seminars and public lectures on their research topics. The 2010-2011 theme is The Humanities and Human Origins, which is intended to engage humanities scholars from various disciplines in addressing and analyzing the role of the humanities in illuminating—and possibly enriching scientific inquiry into—human origins.
Due March 1, 2010
For more information.
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9:28 AM
Postdoctoral Fellowship in the History and Philosophy of Science Center for the Humanities
Oregon State University’s Center for the Humanities and Horning Endowment in the Humanities invite applications for a post-doctoral fellowship in the history and philosophy of science. Scholars who have completed doctorates since January 2005 are eligible for a year-long fellowship with a stipend of $40,000 and an office at the Center. Applications are welcome from all fields of the history of science, including medicine and technology, as well as the philosophy of science and intellectual history.
Due March 1, 2010
For more information.
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9:23 AM
Visiting Research Fellowships 2010-2010, University of Edinburgh
The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh, invites applications for Visiting Research Fellowships of 2-6 months in the period June 2010 – September 2012. No limitation is placed on the area of research within the Humanities and Social Sciences but priority is given to those whose work falls within the scope of one of the Institute’s current Research Themes. Fellows are allocated a private office in the Institute with all the usual research facilities and are expected to play a full part in the activities of the Institute. Fellows give at least one seminar on their current research work during their tenure. The Fellowships are not funded.
Due February 26, 2010
For more information.
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9:20 AM
2009-2010 Institute for Humanities Research Transdisciplinary Book Award Arizona State University
The Institute for Humanities Research at Arizona State University invites nominations of books written in English and published in 2008 or 2009 which reflect the finest contemporary humanities-based scholarship on any topic. Nominated books should be works of academic non-fiction that feature a clear humanities perspective, even if they also involve methodologies and perspectives from the sciences and social sciences. Edited collections are not eligible. Books may be nominated by the author(s), colleagues, or publishers. The prize includes a $1,500 award and all-expense paid visit to the Arizona State University Tempe campus in fall 2010 so the author may make an informal presentation on the book.
Nominations due February 14, 2010
For more information.
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9:17 AM
Visiting Humanities Fellowships, University of Windsor
Applications are invited for Visiting Humanities Fellowships, tenable at the University of Windsor in the 2010-2011 academic year. Scholars with research projects in traditional humanities disciplines or in theoretical, historical or philosophical aspects of the sciences, social sciences, arts and professional studies are invited to apply. Applicants must hold a doctorate or the equivalent in experience, research and publications. The Fellowship is tenable at the University of Windsor for a period of four months to one year. No stipend is attached to the Fellowship. The Humanities Research Group will provide office space, university affiliation, library privileges and assist Fellows in establishing contacts with individuals, groups, libraries and institutions in the Southwestern Ontario/Michigan region. Fellows are expected to work in residence at the HRG for the duration of the award and to deliver a public presentation on their research.
Due March 15, 2010
For more information.
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9:12 AM
California Studies Consortium Grants
The University of California California Studies Consortium invites qualified UC faculty and graduate students to apply for collaborative grants in California Studies: the UCCSC Graduate Student Research Travel Grant is designed to assist graduate students at UC campuses for travel and access to archives and collections for research in California Studies. The UCCSC also invites proposals for a series of systemwide faculty workshops. Applications should be based on a clear theme relating to California Studies in a global context and open to different disciplinary approaches. UCCSC also invites individuals to apply for Regional Seminars and Research Workgroups and encourages a regional perspective based on the state's three distinct but related regions: Southern California, Central California, and Northern California. UCCSC offers Community Outreach and Teaching Grants in which it will support faculty research and creative work that involves community organizations in California and contributes to a broader goal of building ties between UC campuses and off-campus communities.
Due February 15, 2010
For more information.
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8:58 AM