The Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research and the Texas A&M University Libraries’ Sterling C. Evans Chair announce a new program to assist the early development of projects in digital humanities. This program will support tenured or tenure-track scholars in any department in the university by providing up to $10,000 to a project in digital humanities (collaborative or singly directed). Preference may be given to untenured or newly tenured faculty applicants.
This program is meant to offer significant but flexible assistance to faculty – as individuals or in collaborative teams – whose current scholarly project depends on or is fundamentally inflected by information technology, computer-aided research, and/or the ‘digital revolution.’ The program is especially aimed at those who have embarked or who are keen to embark on research in the humanities that is ‘born digital.’
Applicants for this grant must provide the following:
- title of the project
- a 500-1000 word statement describing a) the nature of the project, b) the general uses to which the Evans/Glasscock funding will be directed, and c) the expected research outcome from this support, including grants to be sought, publications and presentations anticipated, and so on;
- an itemized budget;
- a curriculum vitae of no more than three pages noting accomplishments and qualifications germane to the project at hand;
- contact information: email, campus address, telephone;
- description and amount of other sources of funding for this project, current, anticipated, and applied for.
A committee comprised of faculty from various disciplines will evaluate applications on the basis of their originality, feasibility, and potential for external funding and for publication.
Recipients will be expected to provide an account of how the funds awarded were expended, to submit a report on the progress this award made possible, and to give a presentation about their funded project as part of the Glasscock Center’s annual Digital Humanities Lecture Series.
It is expected that an award will be made in each of the next three years.
Please address questions to The deadline for applications is 5:00 p.m., Monday, 30 April 2007. They should be directed to the Glasscock Center, MS 4214 or electronically to Decisions will be announced by mid-May.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Evans/Glasscock Digital Humanities Project Fellowships Call
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10:46 AM
Labels: Digital Humanities, Fellowships