The following is a list of next week’s events supported by the Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research and/or its affiliated programs:
**Tuesday, 2 October**
South Asia Studies Working Group Lecture: Itty Abraham (University of Texas), 3:00-5:00 p.m., Glasscock Building, Room 311.
Digital Humanities Lecture: Thomas Finholt (University of Michigan), presenting “Cyberinfrastructure and the Humanities: Using Advanced Information Technology to Explore New Modes of Thinking and Working,” 4:00 p.m., Evans Library, Room 204E.
Co-Sponsored Lecture: France Winddance Twine (University of California, Santa Barbara), presenting “Hair, Habitus, and Home Cooking: The Cultural Production of Blackness,” 7:30 p.m., Evans Library, Whitley Suite.
**Wednesday, 3 October**
Glasscock Coffee Come & Go featuring Daniel Conway, Head, Department of Philosophy, 8:30-9:30 a.m., Glasscock Building, Room 311.
Faculty Colloquium: Nancy Klein (Architecture), presenting “The Construction of Identity and ‘Architectural History’ on the Acropolis of Athens,” Glasscock Building, Room 311. If you have trouble accessing the paper-for-discusssion through the listserv message you should have received, please contact us.
Africana Film Series: Oscar Michaeaux, an African American film pioneer, screening “Within Our Gates” and “The Symbol of the Unconquered,” 6:00 p.m., 417C EdMS, Evans Annex.
**Thursday, 4 October**
Digital Humanities Lecture: Alan Liu (University of California, Santa Barbara), “Knowledge and Web 2.0: The Transliteracies Project and Social Computing,” 4:00 p.m., Evans Library, Room 204E.
Africana Film Series: Pearl Bowser (Society for Cinema and Media Studies), presenting “Oscar Michaeaux and His Circle: The Birth of an African American Film Culture,” 7:00 p.m., 410 EdMS, Evans Annex.
New Modern British Studies Working Group Lecture: Rebecca Walkowitz (Rutgers University), presenting “Making World Literature: J.M. Coetzee and the New Transnational Novel,” 7:30 p.m., Glasscock Building, Room 311.
APPLICATIONS DUE, 4 October: Co-Sponsorship Grants, Cross Disciplinary Travel Grants, Research Matching Grants, Working Groups
**Friday, 5 October**
New Modern British Studies Faculty Colloquium: Rebecca Walkowitz (Rutgers University), presenting “The Transnational Turn in Modernist Studies,” 2:00 p.m., Blocker, Room 203.
**If you are interested in meeting with any of our visiting speakers contact Dr. Donnalee Dox at
**For further information consult the Glasscock Center website at http://
**For current events at the Glasscock Center consult our blog at
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Next Week's Events at the Glasscock Center
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12:19 PM