FYI Deadline: December 15, 2007
For more information visit
The Rutgers Center for Historical Analysis invites applications from all disciplines for post-doctoral and senior resident fellowships to be held during the academic year of 2008-9 from individuals working on Vernacular Epistemologies.
This interdisciplinary project considers forms of knowledge that diverge from, challenge, entangle with, and complicate fundamental categories or apparatuses most obviously identifiable with European Enlightenment. In thinking of and with 'vernacular' practices and knowledges, the seminar will also explore processes by which categories and performances were rendered 'parochial' or 'local' by taxonomic projects of others. By this means, we hope to ensure that contested and mutable categories from social pasts, even when translated and incorporated into cosmopolitan epistemes, remain salient for creative research and narration of complex histories.
In 2008-9, the seminar will discuss Time and Value. We will explore plural notions of time in the past, its valence in music, art, notions of history and narration, their differential imbrications with shifting ideas of value, historical subjectivity, and social life itself. Both categories offer rich potential for rethinking relationships between ethics and politics, exchange and redistribution, forms of numeracy, facticity and regimes of truth. (The Vernacular Epistemologies project will explore the theme of Body/Soul Mind in 2009-2010) We welcome scholars of all disciplines, geographic and temporal contexts, from within and outside the North American academy. Applicants need not be US citizens. Rutgers is an AA/EOE institution. The deadline for applications is December 15, 2007. Applicants and those interested in presenting a paper related to this project during 2008/2009 should contact the project directors:
Profs. Julie Livingston & Indrani Chatterjee/ Rutgers Center for Historical Analysis/ 88 College Ave/ New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8542/USA. Email, or visit
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Rutgers Center for Historical Analysis Postdoc and Fellowship
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11:55 AM
Labels: external funding, Fellowships
University at Buffalo Humanities Institute Fellowships
FYI Deadline April 1, 2008
For more information visit
The University at Buffalo Humanities Institute, in collaboration with the UB Libraries, is offering three fellowships for visiting scholars and graduate students working on their dissertations to use the University's outstanding Special Collections, which include, among others, The Poetry Collection, The University Archives, and the University's 20,000 volume Rare Book Collection. The fellowships provide stipends of up to $4,000 to cover the cost of fellows' travel to Buffalo & accommodation and expenses during the time of their stay. Both graduate students at an advanced stage of dissertation research and more senior scholars are invited to apply.
* James Joyce Fellowship: For research centered on the writings of James Joyce, Modernism, Joyce-related research, research on Sylvia Beach, Modernist publishers, Modernist genetic criticism, Joyce's literary circle, his literary colleagues, or his influences.
* David Gray Fellowship: For research centered on 20th and 21st century English language and poetry and poetics.
*Charles D. Abbott Fellowship: For research that would be enhanced by any of the books, manuscripts, or unique documents in the UB Libraries special collections, which includes materials from the Poetry Collection, University Archives,The Polish Collection, The Collections of the Music Library, and the History of Medicine Collection.
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11:51 AM
Labels: external funding, Fellowships
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Crane-Rogers Foundation for Current World Affairs Felloship
FYI due Feb. 1 & August 1
For more information visit
The Crane-Rogers Foundation Institute of Current World Affairs invites applications for the John O. Crane Memorial Fellowship. The primary purpose of the institute is to provide talented individuals an opportunity to develop a deep understanding of an issue, country, or region outside the United States and to share that understanding with interested segments of the English-speaking public. Fellowships are offered for people who are interested in the study of East-Central Europe or the Middle East. The Fellow will spend two years in the fellowship site of her/his choice, exploring an appropriate fellowship topic of his or her own design.
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2:07 PM
Labels: external funding, Fellowships
American Scholl of Classics Studies in Athens
FYI due Jan. 15
For more information visit
Predoctoral Fellowships offered by the School for its Regular Academic Program and for second year or advanced students provide a stipend of $11,000 plus room at Loring Hall on the School grounds, board and waiver of School fees. Fellows who choose not to live at Loring Hall, even though they can be accommodated, must make other arrangements with the Director. If for some reason a Fellow cannot be accommodated at Loring Hall, a cash allowance equal to the value of the room will be made.
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2:06 PM
Labels: external funding, Fellowships
Center for Comparative Immigration Studies Fellowships
FYI due Jan. 15
For more information visit
The Center for Comparative Immigration Studies will offer a number of Visiting Research Fellowships to be held in residence during the 2008-09 academic year. These awards will support advanced research and writing on any aspect of international migration and refugee flows, in any of the social sciences, history, law, and comparative literature. The duration of the fellowship can be from 3-12 months, depending on the requirements of the project, but full academic year projects are
preferred. Stipends for predoctoral Fellowships are approximately $2,400 per month.
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2:04 PM
Labels: external funding, Fellowships
David Library of the American Revolution Research Fellowships
FYI due March 7
For more information visit
The David Library of the American Revolution offers Research Fellowships for the study of America in the last half of the eighteenth century to qualified doctoral
candidates and postdoctoral researchers. The fellowship is intended primarily for researchers using the collections assembled at the David Library. Stipends are based upon $1,600 per month.
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2:02 PM
Labels: external funding, Fellowship
NIAS Fellowhips
FYI due March 1
For more information visit(
Information for scholars from outside the Netherlands: NIAS Fellows are selected from prominent researchers and senior scholars in the humanities and social sciences who have already made a significant contribution to their field. Scholarly achievements, reputation and quality of publications are aspects considered in the
evaluation process.
Fellows from universities or institutes outside the Netherlands receive financial
stipends, which are determined by the Rector on the basis of individual circumstances. NIAS strives to ensure a reasonable level of support, but the stipend
may not always be sufficient. Fellows are responsible for supplementing their means
of support. The maximum stipend that NIAS can award does not exceed half the gross
annual salary of a university professor of equal rank and seniority in the
Netherlands. In practice, this means that full financial stipends range from
approximately € 2000 to € 4100 per month.
Free accomodation is offered to unaccompanied fellows and housing at subsidised
rates to fellows who bring their partners or families. Accomodation is offered in
apartments on NIAS grounds and family homes in Wassenaar.
Please note, that NIAS is a residential institute and that regular fellowships are
awarded for advanced research during a full academic year, running from 1 September
till 30 June, although a five-month period is also possible. NIAS does not provide
fellowships for training programmes or educational purposes. Nor does it offer
courses, or financial support to conduct research elsewhere.
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2:00 PM
Labels: external funding, Fellowship
Newberry Library Programs
FYI due March 1
For more information visit;
The Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies offers the Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel Fellowship for post-doctoral scholars who wish to use the Newberry's extensive holdings in late medieval and Renaissance history and literature. Provides a stipend of $4,000. Check the Newberry Library web site for additional fellowship listings. Citizenship: unspecified.
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11:58 AM
Labels: external funding, Fellowships
Folger Shakespeare Library Short-Term Fellowships
FYI due March 1
For more information visit
Short-term fellowships are supported by the Library's endowments and carry a stipend of $2,000 per month. The criteria for success in the annual short-term fellowship competition are the same as those for long-term fellowships. Each year the Folger awards 30 to 35 short-term fellowships.
The Folger joins the American Council of Learned Societies in support of fellowships for recently tenured faculty in the humanities. Applicants must apply directly to the ACLS for a Frederick Burkhardt Fellowship, which carries a stipend of $75,000. Contact the ACLS
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11:55 AM
Labels: external funding, Fellowships