The Jacob K. Javits (JKJ) Fellowship Program is pleased to award fellowships to eligible students of superior ability, selected on the basis of demonstrated achievement, financial need, and exceptional promise, to undertake graduate study in specific fields in the arts, humanities, and social sciences leading to a doctoral degree or to a master's degree in those fields in which the master's degree is the terminal highest degree awarded in the selected field of study at accredited institutions of higher education. Eligible individuals include those who at the time of application will be entering a doctoral program in academic year 2009–2010 or who, at the time of application, have not yet completed their first full year of study in the doctoral program for which they are seeking support or will be entering a Master of Fine Arts program in academic year 2009–2010 in which the master’s degree is the terminal highest degree awarded in the selected field of study among others.
Due: September 4, 2008.
For more information.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program
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6:10 AM