Thursday, January 21, 2010

American Councils Fellowships

The American Councils for International Education offers nine fellowship opportunities for individuals interested in completing research in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. The Advanced Russian Language and Area Studies Program provides intensive Russian-language immersion in Russia. The African Languages Overseas Flagship Program leads the nation in designing, supporting, and implementing a new paradigm for advanced language education. The Collaborative Research Grants in the Humanities provides up to $54,400 for four to twelve months of full time research for U.S. post-doctoral scholars who are collaborating with scholars of Central or Eastern Europe or Eurasia. The Eurasian Regional Language Program provides the opportunity to study the languages of the independent states of the former Soviet Union in an immersion setting. The Title VIII Combined Research and Language Training Program provides full support for research and ten hours per week of advanced language instruction for three to nine consecutive months in Central Asia, Russia, the South Caucasus, Moldova, and Ukraine. The Title VIII Research Scholar Program provides full support for research trips to Central Asia, Russia, the South Caucasus, Moldova and Ukraine. The Title VIII Southeast European Language Training Program provides fellowships to study language in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia. The Title VIII Southeast European Research Program provides fellowships to conduct field research in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia. The Title VIII Special Initiatives Fellowship Program offers post-doctoral scholars up to $35,000 for field-based, policy-relevant research in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan.

Due dates vary.

For more information.