Monday, February 6, 2012

Invitation for Keynote Speakers/Student Presentations for 3rd West Coast Symposium in the History of Medicine

The Third West Coast Symposium in the History of Medicine invites participants for a two-day symposium on March 30-31, 2012, sponsored jointly by the Department of Humanities in Medicine (Texas A&M Health Science Center), The Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research (Texas A&M University), and the History of Medicine and Health Care Program at the University of Calgary, Alberta (Canada) where the preceding symposia were hosted.

The symposium will cover the history of health-related disciplines, to include a range of topics from ancient to the modern period. One special theme will be 'Civil War Medicine', in commemoration of its 150th Anniversary with a keynote speaker, Mr. George Wunderlich, Director, National Museum of Civil War Medicine. An accompanying exhibit from the National Institutes of Health will feature 'The Henkel Physicians: A Family's Life in Letters': a portrayal of the impact of the Civil War on daily lives in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley.

The program will also include a second distinguished keynote speaker, Dr. Stanley Finger, Emeritus Professor, Department of Psychology, Washington University in St. Louis. Dr. Finger has published much concerning the history of neuroscience and medicine, especially the relationship between brain and behavior as perceived by scientists in earlier time periods.

There will be awards for the best paper and poster, a reception/banquet, and musical concerts. The symposium will take place at the splendid new Health Professions Education Building at the Texas A&M Health Science Center in Bryan, Texas (USA).

The object of the symposium is to encourage and highlight student research/scholarship to sharpen awareness of what is continuous with the present, and what lessons and insights can be learned form the past to prepare for the future. Our mission is to (a) foster interdisciplinary and trans-chronological exchanges among new and emerging scholars; (b) to create a safe platform where they can share and discuss research with peers and faculty; (c) to stimulate student networking in related disciplines across State/National/International institutions.

For more information, please visit