The Arete Initiative at the University of Chicago is pleased to announce a new $3 million research program on a New Science of Virtues. This is a multidisciplinary research initiative that seeks contributions from individuals and from teams of investigators working within the humanities and the sciences. In 2010, about twenty, two-year research grants will be awarded ranging from $50,000 to $300,000. Scholars and scientists from around the world are invited to submit Letters of Intent as entry into a research grant competition. Projects must in some way address our primary question: In what ways might the humanities and the sciences cooperate to develop more adequate models of virtue for modern societies? The selection criteria by which the Council will evaluate proposals and select the winners would focus on the ability of the proposal to generate ground-breaking results in the study of virtues.
Due March 2, 2009
For more information.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Arete Initiative at the University of Chicago
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8:25 AM